Speed is the maximum rate at which a person is able to move his/her body over a specific distance. In human performance terms it refers to the speed of co-ordinated joint actions and whole body movements. In some cases it may be applicable to talk about limb speed but this is difficult to assess and most sports rely on movement of the whole body over a distance.
Speed testing is applicable to most sports and is an extreme factor in sports such as Rugby and Soccer where acceleration and speed are important factors. BioProduct offers a range of wireless and wired systems from world leading manufacturers such as Brower Timing Systems and Cosy Communications.
Digital clocks and timers have become increasingly more popular over the last number of years. For this reason BioProduct have added interval timers to our range of products that will suite most of your needs when it comes to time and displays. Our products can be categorized into the following basic categories:
– Basic Digital Clocks
– Up/down Timers (stopwatches)
– Interval Timers
– Synchronized Clocks
– Date-Time-Temperature Clocks
– LCD Displays
Fitness testing and measurement is an integral part of any training program. BioProduct offers a variety of quality
fitness testing equipment. We offer the products you need to measure athletic performance, in the area of speed and acceleration. BioProduct has several other options that compliment testing and evaluation for sport performers.Browse through the fitness testing and measurement products below, and let us outfit you with all the testing equipment you need.It is important that evaluation be allocated the resources it demands and deserves if education and training efforts are to be of benefit. Conducting an exercise is merely the beginning of a process. It is through evaluation and feedback that lessons learned and experiences during the exercise become tangible and useful.
Transponder timing (also called chip timing or RFID timing) is a technique for measuring performance in sport events. A transponder working on a radio-frequency identification (RFID) basis is attached to the athlete and emits a unique code that is detected by radio receivers located at the strategic points in an event.
Prior to the use of this technology, races were either timed by hand (with operators pressing a stopwatch) or using video camera systems.
Generically, there are two types of transponder timing systems; active and passive. An active transponder consists of a battery-powered transceiver, connected to the athlete, that emits its unique code when it is interrogated.
A passive transponder does not contain a power source inside the transponder.
Instead, the transponder captures electromagnetic energy produced by a nearby exciter and utilizes that energy to emit a unique code.